Project Overview

This project aimed to revitalize the digital presence and customer experience for TPL Direct Insurance, a leading provider of car, travel, health, and property insurance in Pakistan. The goal was to develop a user-centric and engaging online platform that simplifies insurance access and enhances customer service effectiveness.

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Technology we used

Project Challenge

The project faced several key challenges:

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Grabbing attention in a competitive market:

Develop innovative brand initiatives and leverage digital channels to attract new customers and stand out from the competition.

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User-centric design:

Implement user-centric design principles across the platform, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience for quote generation, policy purchase, and customer service interactions.

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Content Management:

Empower non-technical users to easily update website content and insurance product information using a flexible and user-friendly CMS.

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Enhancing customer interactions:

Integrate interactive features like live chat, chatbots, and self-service options to provide immediate support and address customer queries effectively.

Project Outcome

The project successfully delivered a revamped online platform for TPL Direct Insurance, resulting in several positive outcomes:


Elevated brand awareness:

Innovative marketing campaigns and engaging online presence helped TPL Direct stand out and capture the attention of potential customers.


Simplified insurance journey:

User-centric design principles guided the development of a smooth and intuitive platform for quote generation, policy purchase, and claim management.


Empowered content management:

The implementation of a flexible CMS allowed non-technical users to easily update website content and product information, ensuring up-to-date information availability.


Improved customer service:

Interactive features like live chat, chatbots, and self-service options facilitated immediate customer support and addressed queries efficiently.


Project Conclusion

The redesigned TPL Direct online platform has been instrumental in attracting new customers, enhancing customer experience, and streamlining insurance access. By prioritizing user needs, leveraging innovative technologies, and focusing on content management efficiency, this project has positioned TPL Direct for continued success in the competitive insurance market.

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