Project Overview

This project involved developing a suite of mobile applications to enhance the experience for both customers and agents of Novo Nordisk, a global leader in diabetes care. The project aimed to streamline the ordering process for customers, improve delivery management for agents, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction.

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Project Challenge

The key challenge of this project was to create a seamless and user-friendly experience for both customers and agents, with distinct needs and functionalities. Additionally, ensuring data security and privacy for sensitive healthcare information was paramount.

Project Outcome

The project successfully delivered two mobile applications that addressed the specific needs of both customer segments:


Customer App (Wordpress, HTML, JQuery)

Simplified the ordering process, allowing customers to manage their needs conveniently.

Enhanced transparency and control through real-time order tracking and scheduling options.


Agent App (PHP, Asterisk, MySql)

Streamlined delivery management by providing real-time access to information and tools.

Optimized delivery routes and schedules through integrated navigation features.

Increased efficiency and accuracy with built-in proof-of-delivery functionalities.


Project Conclusion

The development of these mobile applications for Novo Nordisk has resulted in a more efficient and user-friendly experience for both customers and agents. Customers can now manage their diabetes care needs with greater ease and transparency, while agents are empowered to deliver services efficiently and accurately. This project contributes to Novo Nordisk’s commitment to improving the lives of people with diabetes by providing innovative solutions that support their well-being.

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