Project Overview

Jubilee Insurance, a leading insurance provider, sought to revamp its online presence and enhance customer engagement by offering a more user-friendly and interactive experience. This project aimed to leverage innovative digital solutions to improve product discoverability, promote self-service options, and provide accessible customer support.

Brand Image

Technology we used

Project Challenge

Process Logo

Engaging product representation

Creating an informative and visually appealing platform that effectively showcases Jubilee's diverse insurance products and their associated benefits.

Process Logo

Empowering customer decisions

Implementing tools that enable customers to personalize their insurance coverage and receive instant quotes, fostering self-service and informed decision-making.

Process Logo

Real-time customer support

Providing readily accessible support channels to address customer inquiries and guide them through the insurance selection process.

Process Logo

Catering to a diverse audience

Ensuring inclusivity by offering bilingual customer service options and catering to various language preferences.

Project Outcome

By leveraging a combination of cutting-edge technologies, the project successfully addressed the challenges and delivered the following results:


Engaging product catalogue

Front-end development: Utilizing frameworks like Angular or React.JS to create a dynamic and interactive product catalogue with user-friendly functionalities.


Dynamic policy calculator

Backend development: Likely implemented using PHP to process user input, calculate insurance premiums based on chosen coverage options, and deliver instant quotes.


Integrated live chat

Integrating a third-party live chat service or potentially developing a custom solution using frameworks like ASP.NET to enable real-time chat support with customer service representatives.


Bilingual customer service

Content localization: The website content and potentially the live chat interface could be translated into multiple languages using translation tools or services.


Project Conclusion

This project successfully transformed Jubilee Insurance’s online presence, leading to:

  • Enhanced brand image: A modern and interactive platform showcasing Jubilee’s commitment to innovation and customer service excellence.
  • Improved customer engagement: Self-service tools like the policy calculator and readily
    available support options empower customers and streamline the insurance selection process.
  • Increased sales potential: An engaging platform and efficient customer support create a
    positive user experience, potentially leading to increased sales conversions.
  • Inclusive customer service: Catering to diverse language needs fosters inclusivity and broadens Jubilee’s reach to a wider customer base.

By embracing digital solutions and prioritizing customer needs, Jubilee Insurance positioned itself for continued success in the competitive insurance landscape, solidifying its reputation as a
trusted provider of insurance solutions.

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