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Humanizing the Tech: Striking a Balance Between Automation and Personalization

Published in 8 May, 2024

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The past 4 years have seen an explosion in technology that directly shapes customer experiences. We can attribute most of this success to the popularization of artificial intelligence, and the rise in AI-powered tools. All of a sudden, it feels like businesses can automate anything they want but just because they can doesn’t necessarily mean they should. Simultaneously, there is mountains of support Automation tools can streamline processes, answer basic questions, and offer 24/7 support.  However, an overreliance on automation can leave customers feeling cold and disconnected.  The key to success lies in finding the perfect balance between automation and personalization.  leveraging automation for efficiency while maintaining a human touch that fosters genuine connection.

Why Human-Centric Design Matters in CX

  Customers crave a human connection when interacting with brands, both on-line and in retail applications.  According to one PwC report,  83% of customers are willing to pay more for a superior, more personalized customer experience, and this attitude is reflected in the way businesses work nowadays. Even if your product is not heavily differentiated, you can set yourself apart with customer service. But why does the customer behave this way? Doesn’t it make more sense for them to go for the cheaper option when everything else is equal? Not exactly, and here’s why:

Emotional Connection:

  Humans naturally connect with other humans, which is very hard to replicate in human and AI interactions. A friendly voice or a helping hand during a frustrating moment with a faulty portal or a confusing website can go a long way in building rapport and brand loyalty. Imagine the difference between navigating a complex return policy through an impersonal chatbot versus speaking with a patient customer service representative who can empathize with your situation and offer a solution that feels fair.

Understanding Complex Needs:

Automation struggles with nuance. Imagine trying to explain a unique issue with a malfunctioning appliance to a chatbot programmed with a limited set of responses. Human agents can understand complex customer issues, like a malfunctioning appliance with several unusual symptoms. They can empathize with the customer's frustrations, ask clarifying questions, and offer tailored solutions that address the root cause of the problem. A chatbot will also be unable to predict every problem that may surface, and will be ineffective in answering queries it doesn’t have experience with.

Building Trust:

  Interacting with a real person builds trust and confidence in a brand. Customers feel valued and heard when they can connect with a human representative who can address their concerns directly. The customer perception is that automation saves money for the company, and customers may feel like their needs are being sidelined. Automation has been a topic of discussion for decades, but it’s almost always been inside factories or on obscure corners of the internet. Now that it’s becoming the first thing customers interact with when they engage with a brand, companies need to be really careful how they use this resource.

The Power of Automation in CX

  Nobody’s arguing that automation is a powerful tool that shouldn't and, in an increasing number of cases, can’t be ignored. It’s not just about keeping your margins competitive with your rivals, strategic automation can drastically improve brand perception and customer experience. Here are some of the major reasons businesses of all sizes should be looking into automating some of their processes:

Increased Efficiency:

  The effectiveness of human-run customer service sector has been the issue - it’s about the efficiency. Once your company hits a certain size, there are simply too many calls coming in. It became so common for customers to be on hold for 30 minutes to an hour, if not more, that it became a common joke in sit-coms. If a corporation wanted to keep up with the calls, they would need dozens of people to manage the phones, and that’s expensive. Automation handles repetitive tasks like answering FAQs, scheduling appointments, and processing simple requests like order tracking or password resets. This frees up human agents to focus on more complex issues that require human judgment and emotional intelligence, such as troubleshooting technical problems or resolving billing disputes. For example, an airline's chatbot can efficiently handle a simple request to change a flight date, saving the customer time and allowing human agents to focus on more intricate issues like re-routing passengers after a flight cancellation.

24/7 Availability:

  Chatbots and virtual assistants can answer basic questions and provide support even outside of business hours. In the past two years, chatbots are the primary use of AI in customer experience on the front-end of a business. This improves customer satisfaction by offering immediate assistance, even if a live agent isn't available. Imagine a company that provided this service in 1990 - they would need a team working the phones during the graveyard shift! Not only are you paying double the salaries, you’re also keeping an office running for double the time.

Data-Driven Insights:

  When you have people handling customer service, the goal is to work fast. They don’t have time to take down notes and collect data, no matter how useful it may be. Not to mention the imperfection of human memory and subconscious bias when deciding whats important enough to note down and what isn’t. That’s just not good enough anymore - companies that aren’t using AI, automating their processes, or using data analytics for optimization, are becoming obsolete. The demand for AI driven data is so high, that an entire industry has developed for B2B customer journey mapping. At the very least, companies need to use AI for lead generation. Automation tools collect valuable customer data through interactions with chatbots, website behavior tracking, and feedback surveys, and they do it all automatically. This data can be used to personalize experiences, identify trends, and improve overall CX strategy. For instance, an e-commerce website might use customer data to recommend products based on past purchases or browsing history, creating a more engaging and personalized shopping experience. You can also get a better idea of how a product is performing in the market depending on how many people are considering a return, or how many complaints you’re getting.

Striking the Right Balance: Strategies for a Human-Centered Approach

  There are benefits to automation, just like there are benefits to creating a personalized customer experience. So, how do you become more efficient while maintaining a human touch? The short answer is: use AI personalization tools, but it would be much better if you understood how these tools helps your business.  Here are some key strategies to create a winning CX strategy that balances both sides:

Identify the Right Tasks for Automation:

  Focus on automating repetitive tasks that don't require human judgment or emotional intelligence. For example, use chatbots to answer frequently asked questions like "What is your return policy?" or schedule appointments. Leave complex issues or situations requiring empathy and critical thinking for human agents. Automating back-end processes or employee services will save just as much resources, and the effects won’t spillover to the customer. You could also keep human representatives, but have AI target certain keywords and record those interactions. The data you gather here will help you in more than just the customer experience - it will help you

Invest in Skilled Customer Support:

  Don't underestimate the importance of your human workforce. Train your customer support agents to be empathetic, knowledgeable, and solution-oriented. Equip them with the resources and authority to resolve customer issues effectively. Empower them to go the extra mile for customers and create memorable interactions, but most importantly, teach them how they can use AI to make themselves more efficient.

Collaborate With the Machine

  Make it easy for customers to transition from interacting with a chatbot to speaking with a live agent if needed. Ensure a smooth flow of information and context to avoid frustration. Imagine a customer using a chatbot to troubleshoot an issue with their internet connection. If the chatbot can't resolve the problem, it should seamlessly transfer the customer to a live agent with access to the customer's account details and the troubleshooting steps already attempted. This eliminates the need for the customer to repeat themselves and ensures a faster resolution.

Personalize the Automated Experience:

  Use customer data to personalize automated interactions whenever possible. For example, a chatbot might greet a customer by name or suggest relevant products based on their purchase history. An airline's chatbot could use a customer's frequent flyer status to offer priority boarding options or suggest faster check-in lanes. This personalization helps customers feel valued and creates a more engaging experience. The best example of this are your Spotify playlists. There’s nobody theorizing what music you like and then making playlists for you every week. The AI does it automatically, and those playlists are the most beloved feature for many of Spotify’s subscribers.

Always offer a human touch:

  Even when using automation, make it clear that customers can always reach a live agent if necessary. This builds trust and shows that you value their individual needs. Every website with a chatbot should have a clear and easy-to-find option to "connect with a live agent." Similarly, an automated phone system should offer the option to speak with a representative for complex issues. The goal here is to avoid any chance of the customer feeling like they’re being ignored, and not let them get frustrated. The way you handle those interactions is what makes somebody a repeat customer.   Technology should complement, not replace, the human element of the customer experience.  By strategically leveraging automation and prioritizing human connection, you can create a winning CX strategy that drives efficiency, fosters lasting customer relationships, and sets your brand apart in the age of experience.  Remember, it's the human touch that can turn a satisfied customer into a loyal brand advocate.

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