Project Overview

This project aimed to develop a mobile application for TPL Life, a leading insurance provider in Pakistan, to promote healthy lifestyles and improve customer engagement. The app aimed to provide users with a holistic platform to manage their health, access policy information, and ultimately foster a more connected community.

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Technology we used

Project Challenge

The key challenge was to create an engaging app that went beyond traditional insurance applications. The goal was to:

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Motivate users

to adopt healthier habits by providing personalized health news, wellness articles, and healthy recipe options.

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Integrate seamlessly

with fitness trackers and wearables, allowing users to track their activity, set goals, and monitor progress.

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Offer a user-friendly interface

that simplifies access to policy details, benefits, and claim information.

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Foster community engagement

by encouraging interaction and knowledge sharing among users with similar health goals.

Project Outcome

The developed mobile app delivered several positive outcomes for TPL Life and its users:


Improved health awareness

The app provided curated content on health and wellness, encouraging users to make informed choices and prioritize their well-being.


Enhanced engagement

Integration with wearables and goal setting features motivated users to track their progress and stay active.


Promoted healthy eating:

Access to a database of healthy recipes empowered users to cook nutritious meals and make informed dietary choices.


Streamlined access to information:

The user-friendly interface allowed users to easily manage their insurance policies, understand benefits, and access claim informatio


Project Conclusion

The TPL Life mobile app serves as a successful example of leveraging technology to promote healthy lifestyles and improve customer engagement. By focusing on user needs and utilizing a combination of features and functionalities, this project has resulted in a more informed, motivated, and connected TPL Life community.

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